Sick of Being Sick

You’ve heard it all before – an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Well, for many of us who are trying diligently to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating good foods, drinking lots of water, getting regular exercise, participating in stress-relieving activities, and getting plenty of rest – we ask, “What’s up with this cold and flu season?” We have done everything right, but somehow, somewhere, some type of sick critter got hold of one of our family members or ourselves and is holding on tightly, week after week.

Record-Breaking Illness
This past fall, winter, and now well into spring has brought one of the worst seasons of illness in the past several decades. Traditional medical practitioners are writing out prescriptions at record-breaking levels. After speaking with several in this area, it appears that what they are struggling with is the combined viral and bacterial entities that are filling our school halls, backyards, and office buildings are actually intersecting each other and creating an environment that is extremely difficult to treat.

Illnesses are lasting anywhere from two to 12 weeks on a chronic basis, and the poor patients are continually seeking a solution. Prescribed and over-the-counter medicines are being used at an alarming rate because it seems that as soon as a patient has gotten rid of one ailment, another comes along to take its place. From consistent coughs, sinus and allergy pressures, upper respiratory infections, to gastrointestinal ailments, people are suffering for months and begging for relief. What can we do? We need to understand and incorporate health-supporting substances into our lives.

According to Tuft’s University, an antibacterial is an agent that interferes with the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Medicine.Net defines an expectorant as a medication that helps bring up mucus and other material from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea. The Center for Disease Control defines an antiviral as any medicine capable of destroying or weakening a virus. Online Health states antifungal drugs fight infections by killing the fungi. Finally, the encyclopedia describes an antiseptic as a substance that kills or prevents the growth and reproduction of various microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses, on the external surfaces of the body.

The Aromatic Arsenal
The following chart provides a small list of essential oils that are readily available through me, local healthfood stores, or online that offer a powerful arsenal to assist you in fighting off germs and treating yourself with natural solutions if you are ill.

Essential Oil Antibacterial Expectorant Antiseptic Antiviral Antifungal
Bay x x x x
Black Pepper x x x x
Eucalyptus x x x x x
Helichrysum x x x x
Patchouli x x x x
Peppermint x x x x x
Pine x x x x x
Tea Tree x x x x x
Thyme, Red x x x x x
Vetiver x x x x x
Yarrow x x x x x


Hand Sanitizer – In a spray bottle containing 4 ounces of water, add 28 drops of any combination of these “anti” oils. Spray your hands and air-dry.

Clean Air Spray – In a spray bottle containing 4 ounces of water, add 35 – 42 drops of any combination of these “anti” oils. Spray your room and any other surfaces that come into contact with germs such as telephones, bed linens, and common use areas of your home or office.

Cough It Up – Into 2 ounces of base lotion or 2 tablespoons of carrier oil, add 18 – 22 drops of any combination of the expectorant oils. Massage a small amount on your throat, chest, back, and around the sinus areas frequently throughout the day. Avoid synthetic products at this time and be extra kind to yourself both emotionally and physically. Wishing you the best of health.

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